NAIA Eligibility Center Fee Waiver Confirmation Instructions

Registration fee waivers are offered based on need and are available to students who currently qualify for a waiver of SAT or ACT testing fees or for a free or reduced-priced school lunch program.
Fee waivers for transfers from two- or four-year colleges are based on a student's qualification for a minimum of $4,500 in Federal Pell Grants.
For a fee waiver request to be processed, an official letter confirming the student’s qualification must be sent by their current school to the NAIA Eligibility Center. The student will be able to continue filling out the online registration form, but the NAIA Eligibility Center must receive this letter before they will be able to submit their information for review.
For an incoming freshman student:
A confirmation letter must be sent by the student’s high school guidance counselor and include the following to be accepted:
  1. Student Name
  2. Student NAIA Identification Number
  3. High School Name
  4. Confirmation of which fee waiver criteria has been met (at least one of the following):
  • Student qualifies for ACT fee waiver
  • Student qualifies for SAT fee waiver
  • Student qualifies for Federal free/reduced-priced lunch program

5.Name, title and signature of individual drafting and sending the letter
6.Written on official high school letterhead

All fee waiver confirmation letters must be mailed or faxed to the following:

NAIA Eligibility Center
Fee Waiver Confirmation
P.O. Box 15340
Kansas City, MO 64106
Fax: 816-595-8301
NCAA Fee Waiver
The registration fee is $60 for domestic college-bound student-athletes and $85 for international college-bound student-athletes. There is only one fee to register for the Eligibility Center, which covers both the academic and amateurism certifications. In addition, there is no reduction of the fee if the college-bound student-athlete does not need an academic certification (e.g., has already served an academic year in residence at a collegiate institution).
*Effective September 1, 2010, the registration fee will increase to $65 for U.S. students and $95 for international students.
Yes, you are eligible for a waiver of the initial-eligibility certification fee if you have already received a fee waiver (not a state voucher) for the ACT or SAT. If you have not been granted a fee waiver by ACT or SAT, then you will NOT be eligible for a waiver of the certification fee. If you are seeking a waiver of the certification fee, you should confirm your eligibility with your high school counselor. Your high school counselor MUST submit an electronic fee waiver confirmation before your registration may be processed.

Veritas Decus Adfecto

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